TCCS Homepage About TCCS Parents and Students Enployment and Volunteering Support TCCS News and Events Forms and Policies Student Services Letter of Interest
  • PDE website
  • PTO manager
  • CAPTIVATE brochure
  • EEO Statement
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

    Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Americans Disability Act, The Age Discrimination Act, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title Nine, TCCS does not discriminate with students or employees and no one will be denied a free and appropriate education on account of his or her gender preference, gender identity, pregnancy, marital or family status, age, disability, religion, sex, race, color, veterans status, national origin, political orientation, ancestry or economic position. TCCS does not discriminate with groups wishing to meet including Boy and Girl Scouts of America.


    Any questions or concerns about this statement can be directed to our Director of Human Resources by calling 814.484.3550. ×

Employment & Volunteering


Welcome to the CAPTIVATE program!

Volunteers are a large and very important part of the lifeblood of our charter school.  Your willingness to help make a difference is appreciated more than you know!  We strongly encourage each family to make a commitment to contribute a minimum of 10 hours a year to the school by volunteering in one or more areas of the school's operation.

Your ideas, comments and suggestions are always welcome.  It is our goal to make the Tidioute Community Charter School as efficient and comfortable as possible not only for the students and teachers, but for the volunteers and parents who will be lending their time and talents to benefit this school.

Volunteers Volunteers

Quick FAQ's about CAPTIVATE


Click here for information


CAPTIVATE stands for Community and Parents Together Involved in Volunteering and Teaching Excellence. ×

Who are we, and what do we do?

Click here for information

Who are we, and what do we do?

When the Tidioute Community Charter School was founded in 2005, its founders recognized that parent participation was a key component in student success in school. Since the beginning, parent participation has been a major reason for the school's growth and success. In addition, parents become an integral resource used to provide a quality education to our students while reducing operating costs. We strongly encourage each family to make a commitment to contribute a minimum of 10 hours a year to the school by volunteering in one or more areas of the school's operation. Being with the students helps families experience and understand the unique philosophy of the school. There are many opportunities for parents and family members to volunteer at our school and fulfill their hours. Volunteers work in the school office, in the classroom, go on field trips, in the Student Store and at sports events. Volunteers coordinate and work on fundraisers. Families work on school beautification by assisting with landscaping projects, building projects and clean up of the school grounds. ×

What is the mission?

Click here for information

What is the mision?

The mission of the CAPTIVATE Program is to bring together parents, educators and community members in volunteering and teaching to promote civic responsibility, educational excellence, and community pride. ×

What CAPTIVATE job positions are available?

Click here for information

What CAPTIVATE job positions are available?

The following is just a sample of the volunteer positions currently available. A more detailed description of these positions are available by contacting the school at (814) 484-3550.
Grade level room parent
Student Store /Chair/clerk
School Facilities Volunteer
Library volunteer
Fundraising volunteer
Sports Boosters
Music Boosters
SAC Committee members
Special guest speakers/demonstrators
Expeditionary project volunteer
For complete information about the TCCS CAPTIVATE Program download the CAPTIVATE Volunteer manual


Volunteering sites:

Volunteer manager - Volunteers use this link to access their account:

Get information on Volunteer Background Checks: Click Here



Employment Information

Welcome to the Tidioute Community Charter School (TCCS). TCCS currently employs approximately 31 certified employees in teaching positions throughout the school, a certified nurse as well as support personnel. Support personnel work at our school as instructional aides, secretaries, maintenance and custodians as well as Child Nutrition Services. For additional information you can e-mail the school office:

New teacher info: All full time employees at the Tidioute Community Charter School are eligible for a benefit package which includes medical, life and disability, and are members of the Pennsylvania State Employee Retirement System (PSERS). Professional Employee Salaries are competitive and are leveled.


* Applicants interested in teaching positions must submit: Cover letter, Standard Pennsylvania application (download the application by clicking here) , resume, three recommendation letters, Act 34, Act 114 and Act 151 clearances, teaching certificates,and transcripts.

* Applicants interested in support positions must submit: Cover letter, resume, Act 34, Act 114 and Act 151 clearances.

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Americans Disability Act, The Age Discrimination Act, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title Nine, TCCS does not discriminate with students or employees and no one will be denied a free and appropriate education on account of his or her gender preference, gender identity, pregnancy, marital or family status, age, disability, religion, sex, race, color, veterans status, national origin, political orientation, ancestry or economic position. TCCS does not discriminate with groups wishing to meet including Boy and Girl Scouts of America.

Any questions or concerns about this statement can be directed to our Director of Human Resources by calling 814.484.3550.


Dr. Allen

Tidioute Community Charter School

241 Main Street

Tidioute, PA 16351


Volunteers Needed


Interested in Volunteering?

Stop at the school to find out more.



Volunteers stop by the school office to get your photo taken for your school ID badge.

Job Opportunities

"Become Part of Our Team"

2024-2025 School Year

Job Openings at TCCS

Current listings: Select the job below